Analyzing the UncertaintyForest Class by Reproducing Mutual Information Estimates¶
This set of four tutorials (uncertaintyforest_running_example.ipynb
, uncertaintyforest_posteriorestimates.ipynb
, uncertaintyforest_conditionalentropyestimates.ipynb
, and uncertaintyforest_mutualinformationestimates.ipynb
) will explain the UncertaintyForest class. After following these tutorials, you should have the ability to run UncertaintyForest on your own machine and generate Figures 1, 2, and 3 from this paper, which help you to
visualize a comparison of the estimated posteriors and conditional entropy values for several different algorithms.
If you haven’t seen it already, take a look at other tutorials to setup and install the ProgLearn package: installation_guide.ipynb
Goal: Run the UncertaintyForest class to produce a figure that compares estimated normalized mutual information values for the UncertaintyForest, KSG, Mixed KSG, and IRF algorithms, as in Figure 3 fromthis paper
Import Required Packages¶
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from proglearn.forest import UncertaintyForest
from functions.unc_forest_tutorials_functions import plot_setting, plot_fig3
# Setting figures.
settings = [
"name": "Spherical Gaussians",
"kwargs": {},
"name": "Elliptical Gaussians",
"kwargs": {"var1": 3},
"name": "Three Class Gaussians",
"kwargs": {"three_class": True},
# Plot data.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(settings), figsize=(18, 4))
for i, setting in enumerate(settings):
plot_setting(2000, setting, axes[i])
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
Specify Parameters¶
# The following are two sets of parameters.
# The first are those that were actually used to produce Figure 3.
# Below those, you'll find some scaled-down parameters so that you can see the results more quickly.
# Here are the paper reproduction parameters
# n = 6000
# mus = range(5)
# ds = range(1, 16)
# mu = 1
# num_trials = 20
# d = 2
# pis = [0.05 * i for i in range(1, 20)]
# Here are the scaled-down tutorial parameters
n = 400 # number of samples
mus = range(3) # range of means
ds = range(2, 5) # range of dimensions
mu = 1 # mean
num_trials = 3 # number of trials to run
d = 1 # dimension
pis = [0.05 * i for i in range(3, 6)] # prior distribution
Specify Learners¶
Now, we’ll specify which learners we’ll compare (by label). Figure 3 uses four different learners, which are further specified in the function estimate_mi
, which returns estimates of mutual information for a given dataset (X, y) and type of learner.
# Algorithms used to produce Figure 3
algos = [
"label": "IRF",
"title": "Isotonic Reg. Forest",
"color": "#fdae61",
"label": "KSG",
"title": "KSG",
"color": "#1b9e77",
"label": "Mixed KSG",
"title": "Mixed KSG",
"color": "purple",
"label": "UF",
"title": "Uncertainty Forest",
"color": "#F41711",
parallel = False
Plot Figure 3¶
Finally, we’ll run the code to obtain and plot the spherical, elliptical, and three class Gaussians, as well as estimated mutual information vs. class priors and dimensionality (9 subplots).
plot_fig3(algos, n, d, mu, settings, pis, ds, num_trials, parallel=parallel)