Source code for proglearn.deciders

Main Author: Will LeVine
Corresponding Email:
import numpy as np

from .base import BaseClassificationDecider

from sklearn.utils.validation import (

[docs]class SimpleArgmaxAverage(BaseClassificationDecider): """ A class for a decider that uses the average vote for classification. Parameters ---------- classes : list, default=[] List of final output classification labels of type obj. Attributes ---------- transformer_id_to_transformers_ : dict A dictionary with keys of type obj corresponding to transformer ids and values of type obj corresponding to a transformer. This dictionary maps transformers to a particular transformer id. transformer_id_to_voters_ : dict A dictionary with keys of type obj corresponding to transformer ids and values of type obj corresponding to a voter class. This dictionary maps voter classes to a particular transformer id. """ def __init__(self, classes=[]): self.classes = classes
[docs] def fit( self, X, y, transformer_id_to_transformers, transformer_id_to_voters, ): """ Function for fitting. Stores attributes (classes, transformer_id_to_transformers, and transformer_id_to_voters) of a ClassificationDecider. Parameters: ----------- X : ndarray Input data matrix. y : ndarray Output (i.e. response) data matrix. transformer_id_to_transformers : dict A dictionary with keys of type obj corresponding to transformer ids and values of type obj corresponding to a transformer. This dictionary maps transformers to a particular transformer id. transformer_id_to_voters : dict A dictionary with keys of type obj corresponding to transformer ids and values of type obj corresponding to a voter class. This dictionary thus maps voter classes to a particular transformer id. Returns ------- self : SimpleArgmaxAverage The object itself. Raises ------- ValueError When the labels have not been provided and the classes are empty. """ if not isinstance(self.classes, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(y) == 0: raise ValueError( "Classification Decider classes undefined with no class labels fed to fit" ) else: self.classes = np.unique(y) else: self.classes = np.array(self.classes) self.transformer_id_to_transformers_ = transformer_id_to_transformers self.transformer_id_to_voters_ = transformer_id_to_voters return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X, transformer_ids=None): """ Predicts posterior probabilities per input example. Loops through each transformer and bag of transformers. Performs a transformation of the input data with the transformer. Gets a voter to map the transformed input data into a posterior distribution. Gets the mean vote per bagging component and append it to a vote per transformer id. Returns the aggregate average vote. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input data matrix. transformer_ids : list, default=None A list with specific transformer ids that will be used for inference. Defaults to using all transformers if no transformer ids are given. Returns ------- y_proba_hat : ndarray of shape [n_samples, n_classes] posteriors per example Raises ------ NotFittedError When the model is not fitted. """ check_is_fitted(self) vote_per_transformer_id = [] for transformer_id in ( transformer_ids if transformer_ids is not None else self.transformer_id_to_voters_.keys() ): check_is_fitted(self) vote_per_bag_id = [] for bag_id in range( len(self.transformer_id_to_transformers_[transformer_id]) ): transformer = self.transformer_id_to_transformers_[transformer_id][ bag_id ] X_transformed = transformer.transform(X) voter = self.transformer_id_to_voters_[transformer_id][bag_id] vote = voter.predict_proba(X_transformed) vote_per_bag_id.append(vote) vote_per_transformer_id.append(np.mean(vote_per_bag_id, axis=0)) return np.mean(vote_per_transformer_id, axis=0)
[docs] def predict(self, X, transformer_ids=None): """ Predicts the most likely class per input example. Uses the predict_proba method to get the mean vote per id. Returns the class with the highest vote. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input data matrix. transformer_ids : list, default=None A list with all transformer ids. Defaults to None if no transformer ids are given. Returns ------- y_hat : ndarray of shape [n_samples] predicted class label per example Raises ------ NotFittedError When the model is not fitted. """ vote_overall = self.predict_proba(X, transformer_ids=transformer_ids) return self.classes[np.argmax(vote_overall, axis=1)]